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Our Under-Appreciated Parents

Alexandrea Gray, Class of 2018

As many of you might know, I’m from a very, very small farming community near the town of Brownlee, Saskatchewan with a population of about 50 – that is if I actually lived in the small town… which I don’t, so I guess most of you would see it as the Middle-of-Nowhere, Saskatchewan, but I just see it as home.

I was born to Karen and Charlie Gray, fitting into a family of 5 with the addition of me at the time. As you can imagine my parents had their hands full running after 3 kids. Our family has since grown to 6 as of 2007.

Although we come from a very small place, my parents were determined to provide their kids with a gamut of experiences socially, academically, culturally and athletically. Along the way they taught us love for the well-written word, good music of any genre (especially country), a well-played game, a well-said speech and a well-told joke.

The expectations were always high in my house but that wasn’t without the support of my siblings and parents. Perhaps the highest expectation for all of us growing up was to be good people. This was of the utmost importance to my parents and has now become important to me. I now believe that my parents have put me in an environment that embodies their most important virtue.

My parents along with all of your parents have worked tirelessly, and maybe some of them have even made sacrifices for you. In fact, I know they have all made sacrifices for you. For you to have the opportunity to indulge in the experience and education that Stanstead College offers.

In your lifetime, most of you, if not all of you, will never find people more selfless than your parents, people who love you more than anything, even after your biggest mistakes or most catastrophic failures. Not only that, but they will celebrate your successes like they are their own and talk about you to other people with open eyes and full hearts.

I’m positive that your parents have been your taxi drivers, your biggest fans at sports games and your strongest shoulders to cry on. These wonderful people that you will never lose as long as they live will truly want the best of the best for you. They give without the thought of getting anything in return, they work without the payoff even going to them, and they love even if it might go underappreciated.

I know I’m guilty of not saying simple things to my parents enough, like “thank you so much” or “I love you,” but I also know I’m not the only one guilty of this. In light of recent events in Saskatchewan, my eyes have been opened to the fact that you just never really know. Tell your parents you love them, say thank you every chance you get and acknowledge all the things they do for you. They deserve it, and this life is not forever. Its for now. So don’t wait.

My parents are my heroes, and if I’m even the slightest bit like them when I grow up I will be more than happy. So in honour of all that your parents do for you, don’t count down your days left here at Stanstead but make the days count.