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Here's to You, Bugbee Boys

By Hayden Pimm, Grade 11
This past summer, I was contemplating on if I should apply to be a prefect or not. I wasn’t sure I would be able to handle the commitment along with being mature enough to take on such a demanding job of being a student leader.

I was also worried I wouldn’t have enough time to better myself or reach the goals I was striving to achieve. After a few conversations with my parents, I realized that the leadership and time management skills could help me reach my goals of being better academically and athletically. Once decided, I fully committed myself to the process and was really anxious and excited to see if I was selected.

Once I was chosen to be a prefect, my emotions were at a high. I was excited because I knew I was going to have the chance to learn new leadership skills, but at the same time I was also a little nervous. I was nervous because it was something new and I was anxious to see what House I was going to be placed in. Obviously, my first choice was Davis House. First, it is where most of my peers live. Second, I was in Davis last year.

When I was told I was going to be a prefect in Bugbee, I was upset and worried my year was going to not be what I thought and needed it to be. How was I going to have fun and learn what I needed to learn not being in the same house as my peers? When I reflect back, I had a closed mind set, I wasn’t open to the opportunity like I should have been. My idea about Bugbee House was so fixed on being with the younger kids and how much work it was going to be, that I didn’t allow myself to see the opportunity ahead of me. Bugbee has made me so much more of a leader in ways I wouldn’t have experienced in Davis. Bugbee has helped me become more of a mature person and has helped me build relationships with people I normally wouldn’t have. I have also learned to use a plunger; a very important skill while in Bugbee. I have learned to open my mind to new things and opportunities not just in school but in life.

In closing, I want to say thank you Bugbee boys, you have opened my eyes to many things. Without even realizing it, you are helping me reach my goals of becoming a leader every day. Thank you for opening my mind to new challenges and thank you for letting me learn along the way. In this process, I have learned “you are where you are meant to be.” You might as well learn from it and take all you can from every moment.

Thank you.