Style Guide - Capitalization

Capitalize names of departments. Admissions Department, Business Office, Head's Office

Do not capitalize informal administrative group. management team, program directors

Capitalize names of committees. Wellness Committee

Do not capitalize trustees, directors, board of directors or council of trustees except as part of a formal title. Chairrman of the Board of Directors, President of the Council of Trustees

Capitalize specific awards (Wilder Shield) but lower-case general references. Several awards and MVP trophies were presented at the Academic Assembly.

Buildings and campus
Capitalize names of specific buildings (Bugbee House) but not general descriptions. I walked from Webster House to the library and then the dining hall. (See also Property)

Capitalize names of specific clubs.Yoga Club, Chess Club

Stanstead College should be written upper/lower case.

College should be capitalized when referring to Stanstead College but do not capitalize school.
There are over 230 students attending the College this year. The school has over 100 employees.

Do not capitalize the name of a degree in general reference but do capitalize when referring to a specific degree. Janet is earning her master’s degree. He holds a Master of Arts degree from McGill. (See also Abbreviations.)

Capitalize the names of specific departments. The changes apply to the Athletics Department but not other departments.

Special organized events should be capitalized (Science Fair, Winter Carnival, All-Campus Day) but not general occurrences (sit-down lunch, morning assembly, evening study).

Capitalize recognized geographic regions. Western Europe, Eastern Canada, Great Lakes

Capitalize Grade when referring to a specific level. Grade 7, Grade 12. To clarify when refering to Quebec grade levels, use Secondary I, Secondary V, etc. (See also Numbers.)

For print publications and documents, headlines and titles should follow sentence style (upper-case first letter, lower-case all others unless proper nouns).

Historical periods
Capitalize historical terms and events. Middle Ages, Crusades, the Great Depression, Industrial Revolution, Prohibition, Confederation

Do not capitalize descriptive terms. medieval painting, modern literature, post-war art

Do not capitalize the names of programs. athletic program, academic program, animation program, student life program, prefect program, community service program (but Community Service Club)

School subjects
Capitalize the names of disciplines when referring to school subjects or particular courses but not when used in a general sense. She is interested in history. He passed History this term.

Do not capitalize areas of study within particular courses. In Psychology, we studied human sexuality, emotion and personality.

School dress
Capitalize School Uniform, School Dress and Casual Dress when referring to specific clothing categories but not in general references: It’s not Casual Dress until tomorrow so put on your uniform.

Lower-case seasons (spring, summer)
Academic terms: Lower case when used as a descriptive (finished the term, fall term, winter term) but capitalize with numeric for a specific term (Term 1, Term 2, Term 3).

Do not capitalize breaks unless incorporating a proper noun. spring break, mid-term break, March break, Thanksgiving break

Do not capitalize new year unless as part of best wishes. See you in the new year. Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Do not capitalize generic team names. senior boys soccer, the senior girls rugby team
Capitalize specific team names: Stanstead College Spartans, Varsity Boys Hockey Spartans

Capitalize administrative titles when assigned to a specific person (Head of School Michael Wolfe, Director of Athletics Erik Van Dyke, Head Prefect Jen Smith) but not in the general sense. Head of School Michael Wolfe asked the director of athletics to oversee the file.

Do not capitalize other school positions or occupations. Math teacher, school nurse, school counsellor, faculty, department heads, prefect, program director, house director, member of the management team

Do not capitalize gap student.

Usage note
Do not write in all capital letters, particularly in email correspondence. DOING SO IS THE WRITTEN EQUIVALENT OF SHOUTING. IT ALSO BECOMES DIFFICULT TO READ.

Miscellaneous terms
academic confinement
extra help
marking period
Ministry exam
opening day, opening week
Province of Quebec
Student Council
study, study period
Study Hall
teacher on duty (TOD)
Third World
20th century